Jamie Frew, CEO, Carepatron

Authored By

CIO Grid

This interview is with Jamie Frew, CEO at Carepatron.

Jamie Frew, CEO, Carepatron

Jamie, could you tell our readers a bit about your journey and what led you to become the CEO of Carepatron?

My journey to becoming the CEO of Carepatron is rooted in my background in Industrial Relations and Organizational Psychology, which sparked my interest in how technology can enhance human experiences, especially in healthcare. After holding strategic leadership roles at companies like Telstra and ANZ, I realized the need for more efficient and accessible tools for healthcare practitioners.

In late 2021, I co-founded Carepatron with the vision of transforming healthcare by simplifying administrative tasks and enhancing patient care. The pandemic underscored the urgency for innovative solutions, and I saw an opportunity to make a real impact. Today, Carepatron is at the forefront of healthcare technology, helping practitioners focus on what truly matters—delivering compassionate and effective care.

Your educational background in Industrial Relations & Organizational Psychology is quite unique. How has this shaped your approach to leadership and building a company culture at Carepatron?

It definitely influenced my approach to leadership and company culture at Carepatron in the most profound manner. Understanding the dynamics of how people work together and what motivates them has been invaluable in building a cohesive and motivated team.

Carepatron operates at the intersection of tech and healthcare. What excites you most about this space, and what are some of the biggest challenges you've encountered?

The potential to make a profound impact on both practitioners and patients. Technology has the power to streamline complex processes, improve accessibility, and ultimately enhance the quality of care delivered. Being able to contribute to such meaningful advancements is incredibly fulfilling. However, with this potential comes significant challenges. One of the biggest hurdles is ensuring that new technologies are seamlessly integrated into existing healthcare systems without disrupting the critical work that practitioners do daily. Balancing innovation with the need for reliability and ease-of-use is a constant challenge. Additionally, navigating the complex regulatory landscape and ensuring that our solutions meet stringent healthcare standards, like HIPAA, requires ongoing diligence and adaptability. Despite these challenges, the opportunity to transform healthcare for the better keeps us motivated and focused on our mission.

You've mentioned the importance of building a diverse and inclusive team. Can you share a specific instance where having a diverse team perspective led to a breakthrough or innovative solution at Carepatron?

At Carepatron, we recognize that diversity is a key driver of innovation, particularly in our mission to make healthcare more accessible. A great example of this was when we decided to implement language localization to expand our platform's reach globally.

Our team, which includes members from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds, played a crucial role in this initiative. Their insights into the specific needs and challenges faced by non-English-speaking users helped us prioritize and design a localization strategy that goes beyond simple translation. We focused on culturally relevant adaptations to ensure that our platform feels intuitive and welcoming to users across different regions.

This approach not only broadened our platform's accessibility but also underscored the importance of having a diverse team that can identify and address the nuances of serving a global user base. It's a clear example of how diversity within our team leads to more inclusive and impactful solutions.

Many healthcare professionals are used to traditional, in-person settings. What advice would you give to leaders in healthcare who are hesitant to embrace telehealth and other technological advancements?

For healthcare leaders hesitant to embrace telehealth, my advice is to see these tools as enhancements to traditional care rather than replacements. The pandemic highlighted telehealth’s ability to provide access when in-person visits aren’t possible, making it a valuable complement to existing practices. Start small, perhaps with follow-up appointments, to help both staff and patients get comfortable with the technology. Investing in proper training is also key. By gradually integrating these advancements, you’ll find that they can improve flexibility and responsiveness, ultimately enhancing the quality of care you provide.

How do you see the role of technology evolving in human resources, particularly in the healthcare industry?

Technology in HR is evolving to handle more administrative tasks, freeing up healthcare practitioners to focus on patient care and their own well-being. By automating processes like scheduling, payroll, and compliance management, HR technology reduces the administrative burden on practitioners. This shift allows them more time to dedicate to patients and improves their work-life balance, ultimately leading to better outcomes for both healthcare professionals and those they care for.

As a leader in a rapidly evolving industry, how do you stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in both tech and healthcare?

Staying updated on the latest trends and advancements in tech and healthcare is crucial. I make it a priority to engage with a variety of sources, including industry publications, research papers, and thought-leadership blogs. Networking is also key—I regularly connect with other professionals, attend conferences, and participate in webinars to gain fresh insights.

Customer feedback is another essential component. By staying closely connected with our users and listening to their experiences, we gain valuable insights that guide our development and keep us aligned with real-world needs. Additionally, I believe in the power of continuous learning. I encourage a culture of curiosity within Carepatron, where my team and I actively share and discuss new developments. This collaborative approach not only keeps us informed but also helps us quickly adapt to changes and innovate effectively in response to emerging trends.

What is one piece of advice you would give to aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those interested in merging technology with healthcare?

My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs in the tech-healthcare space is to stay connected to the needs of both practitioners and patients. Understand the challenges they face and design solutions that address real-world problems. Building strong relationships with healthcare professionals and actively seeking their feedback is key. Balance innovation with empathy to ensure your technology enhances, rather than complicates, the human element of healthcare.

Looking ahead, what are your biggest aspirations for Carepatron, and what impact do you hope to make on the future of healthcare?

Looking ahead, my biggest aspiration for Carepatron is to continue driving innovation that makes healthcare more accessible, efficient, and patient-centered. I want Carepatron to be a platform that empowers healthcare professionals by simplifying their administrative tasks, allowing them to focus more on patient care and their own well-being. By breaking down barriers and making high-quality care accessible to all, I believe Carepatron can play a pivotal role in shaping a more inclusive and effective healthcare landscape.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

You can connect with me, Jamie Frew, on LinkedIn and join our mission to make healthcare accessible, affordable, and global by visiting CarePatron.com.